Privacy Policy

I do not collect, use, or share your Personal Information. Neither do I use cookies.

I do use the Google Search Console to see the number of clicks and impressions from visitors to this Website. However, the Google Search Console does not give me the Personal Information of any of these visitors.

For more information, please refer to the privacy policy of Google:

Furthermore, this Website is hosted on GitHub Pages. In addition, this Website contains icons from JSDELIVR and Font Awesome, as well as fonts from Google Fonts. Please note that GitHub, JSDELIVR, Font Awesome, and Google Fonts may collect User Personal Information from visitors to this Website, including logs of visitor IP addresses, to comply with legal obligations, and to maintain the security and integrity of this Website.

Links to privacy policy of these other sites: Whilst I do not expect any children to visit this Website, please also refer to the respective children's privacy policy of these other sites: This policy is effective as of 12 April 2021. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me at liweiyap [AT] gmail [DOT] com.