Site Credits

Built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.

Design based on Hyde theme by Mark Otto. Inspiration also derived from Anjana Vakil, Afonso Raposo, Nathan Randecker, and Vadym Markov.

Other libraries used include:

The PT Sans, Abril Fatface, and Inconsolata fonts used on this website were taken from Google Fonts.

The icons of the programming languages and technologies, as well as GitHub and LinkedIn, were made by Simple Icons and taken from JSDELIVR.

The UK and Germany flag icons were made by Freepik and taken from

The external-link icon was taken from the Interface Thick Outline Icons Vectors collection on The email icon was also taken from

The remaining icons were made by Font Awesome.

The drawing explaining the rules of Conway's Game of Life is from Manuel Küblböck.

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

© 2019- Li-Wei Yap